How J Lo can you go?
My tri team exists primarily to race in the Nautica Malibu Triathlon. The event is a fund-raiser for Children's Hospital Los Angeles, and Disney is certainly a huge supporter of children's charities. I will be facing my arch-nemesis Jon Cryer once again, and I will have much more to say about him later. But I have new problem to worry about.
Yes, the stories are true. Jennifer Lopez is racing in the triathlon. So far, J Lo has raised 2.3 ZILLION dollars for Children's Hospital; I've raised 10 dollars. She's making me look bad. Sure, Jennifer Lopez will be there with her smooth, toned legs running along the beach, her golden skin glistening in the early morning California sun as her hair catches the ocean breezes as a soft gentle whisper... but I'll be there with freakin' ears on my head. Shouldn't that count for somethin'?

If you want to tell J Lo to stick to making movies and music and leave the fundraising to scrawny middle-aged balding men, Just click on the link. (You'll be helping a great cause as well.)
Ahhhh-you poor thing having to race along JLo! What suffering!!
How will people understand that they're not supposed to change direction when they swim past her?
10 bucks!! you can do better than that! you need at least 200 to be with the cool cats....
can we say that Sprint distance tris have officially jumped the shark when JLo crosses the finish land at Malibu?
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